0 Pelatiah

I kill ... I wound ... I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh. Deuteronomy 32:39-42


The story begins in Ezekiel 11, when the spirit lifted Ezekiel up and carried him to God's house.

Moreover the spirit lifted me up, and brought me unto the east gate of the LORD's house. Ezekiel 11:1a

When he arrived, he saw 25 men, among whom was Pelatiah.

And behold at the door of the gate five and twenty men; among whom I saw Jaazaniah the son of Azur, and Pelatiah the son of Benaiah. 11:1b

God warned Ezekiel about these men, saying they're a bunch of trouble makers,

Son of man, these are the men that devise mischief, and give wicked counsel in this city. 11:2

They said things like, "Let's build houses. This city is a cooking pot, and we are the meat."

Which say, It is not near; let us build houses: this city is the caldron, and we be the flesh. 11:3

So God told Ezekiel to prophesy against them.

Therefore prophesy against them, prophesy, O son of man. 11:4

So Ezekiel did that.

Then while he was prophesying, God killed Pelatiah.

And it came to pass, when I prophesied, that Pelatiah the son of Benaiah died. 11:13

When Ezekiel saw that, he fell on his face and said, "OMG, are you going to kill everyone?"

Then fell I down upon my face, and cried with a loud voice, and said, Ah Lord GOD! wilt thou make a full end of the remnant of Israel? 11:2

God didn't answer the question directly, but seemed to say, more or les, "Yes."

As for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord GOD. 11:21

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