Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law. Matthew 5:18

All the Commandments in the Bible

    Biblical order, with first occurence


      1. Have dominion over every living thing.  1:26 (779)
      2. Replenish the earth.  1:28 (780)
      3. Subdue the earth.  1:28 (781)
      4. Kill whoever kills another person.  9:6 (544)
      5. Cut off any uncircumcised male.  17:14 (576)
      6. Don't be wicked (or evil) in the sight of the Lord.  38:7 (17)
      7. Be a vegan.  1:29 (910)
      8. Be an omnivore.  9:34 (911)
      9. Don't eat blood.  9:4 (912)
      10. Be fruitful and multiply.  1:28 (603)
      11. Don't spill your seed on the ground.  38:7 (604)
      12. Circumcise the flesh of your foreskin.  17:10 (649)
      13. Circumcise boys eight days after their birth.  17:12 (650)
      14. Circumcise your male slaves.  17:13 (651)

    Copyright © 1999-2024
    The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

    Send comments to Steve Wells
    at swwells(at)gmail.com